Miracles in Motion

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Albert Einstein

Time will be a friend to those who embrace the soul’s itinerary.

Be willing to look at how you utilize your own.

“Use it for love,” your soul would suggest. “Miracles happen when you least expect them.”

And so it is.

~ Maitreya

“Clever, aren’t I?” the soul whispered to the woman. “Not only did you change the course of your own history, but you also positively impacted the lives of several people.”

The woman pondered what she heard but stayed silent.

“I still shouldn’t have to pay for the sins of someone else,” the young girl blurted out. “I mean, really, why did all of this happen anyway?”

“What do you mean?” the fool inquired. “You have so many more valuable life experiences because you followed your intuition. How could you not be grateful for what ensued?”

What ripple effects do you think would occur if you went against something (or someone, for that matter) because it didn’t feel right to you, even though other people have made a habit of following without giving it a second thought?

What if many of the things you were taught to believe are true are actually lies—or, at a minimum, variations of the truth that don’t quite make sense to your inner realm, which is poised and ready to upset a metaphorical applecart by questioning them?

Those are two fairly loaded questions, aren’t they?

But what of the applecart? If it wasn’t spilled over, would you not be able to pick out the apples that are too bruised to consume or those which will benefit from a bit more ripening?

While diversity has been shown to be imperative for a person’s overall growth and development of an internal repertoire of acknowledgment that carries lifetimes of wisdom encoded in your DNA, the fact that so many people still believe they only get one chance to get into Heaven seems a little preposterous in the grand scheme of things, doesn’t it?

Wouldn’t you want to know how your soul came into being?

Wouldn’t you want to know where you end up after making a single choice that changes a handful of people’s lives for the better, even though it might make you look like a fool at the outset?

Course corrections form a necessary part of your soul’s journey and sometimes a detour is exactly what you need—especially if that detour helps teach you how to embrace your soul’s light and discover your life purpose.

If you think of all the styles that have changed over the years and the ones that have been repeated and morphed from time to time, you will see the benefit of establishing one’s creativity in as many directions as possible as being paramount for relating to a wider group of people than you originally knew. That being the case as far as your future self is concerned, you wouldn’t hold back for a single second, would you?

Do you think your soul holds back when this lifetime was planned with assorted guides and advisors who see your potential through a much clearer lens than the ego?

Don’t hold yourself back because of the limitations of another. You deserve to embrace your full potential, now and in the days, weeks, and months to come. They are, after all, a strand of Now Moments all linked together like a chain of pearls containing wisdom from the collective ocean of souls comprising humanity as a whole.

Don’t hold yourself back because of the limitations of another. I am repeating this in the hopes that you will consider letting it sink in and assist you in moving past any of the limitations that were previously held as truth.

Blessings to you all.

I AM El Morya. Thank you for your time today.

~ Channeled November 13, 2023

Author: Sheridan Cooke

I am a medium, scribe, intuitive healer, and Reiki Master, and have been channeling messages intended to invoke deep healing and rebalance inner archetypes since September 2001. I work mainly with the High Council, Archangels, and the Elohim. From time to time, I also receive messages from other elevated light beings, such as the Pleiadians and Andromeda, and will often receive messages directly from a person's inner child or an archetype seeking to reintegrate the soul's Light more fully.

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