Stepping stones to freedom

Your past does not equal your future.

Tony Robbins

You are entitled to have a voice. While we are aware that many of you were told children are meant to be seen and not heard, many of you silenced yourselves due to a fear of rejection and abandonment. Do not fear breaking this pattern, for your soul would never reject or abandon you, no matter what you have said or done—or not said and not done.

“Shift gears,” your soul would tell you as it wants you to accelerate, “but be mindful of how gently you manoeuvre twists and turns.”

Not every turn will lead you to a dead end, but as it has been said a time or two before (originally by this scribe and repeated by us), “Dead ends are often ‘you-turns’ in disguise.”

Embrace breaks in your day to enjoy integrating your soul’s light.

We hope you enjoy the message from the Elohim below, as it contains energies your inner realm might very well be needing.

Every single choice you make has the potential to create a ripple effect.

Do your best to choose love every step of the way.

Blessings to you, today and always.

Mother Mary

If you were to land on the moon and look around, chances are you would notice the size of other planets appreciably differently. In the same vein, if you were to land inside the inner realm of a different person, you might not judge them nearly as harshly as they—or others—have in the past.

Do you need the label of “good” or “bad” when there are so many options to choose from in between? What if what you thought was a “bad choice” was the best choice a person could make, given the circumstances?

There is no level of perfection as defined by the ego that can even remotely match the level of perfection which is constantly ascribed by the soul to the personality from one lifetime to the next.

You, like billions of others, will immediately expand your consciousness when you leave your physical body behind.

Some of you will need immediate rest.

Some of you will request to visit with a specific ascended master or archangel because their energy is directly needed to assist you during the transition stage.

Do not fear transcending your former self. Your soul knows this is a natural part of the ascension process.

You will not become stuck in a state of permanent limbo upon stepping out of your physical body and into the light sphere your soul calls its home. You will heal there. You will release all outmoded belief systems, including all religious training designed to help you to learn and grow.

No one is exempt from the wheels of karma until various cycles have been completed.

Be careful when judging a person’s level of consciousness. Some master teachers are disguised as people who no longer fit in—or who didn’t fit in in the first place. No, these are not adepts by chance; they are spiritual aspirants by choice, and they agreed to relay direct and indirect messages from those who continue to assist them throughout this specific lifetime, which is but one of many your soul chooses to experience as it makes its way to the state of perfection needed to achieve Nirvana.

Be patient with yourself, as every child must stumble a time or two, both physically and otherwise, before regaining the proper footing.

You, too, will learn and relearn many lessons. Please be patient with those who did not have the emotional support they needed during their formative years, as this directly impacts one’s ability to overcome feelings of unworthiness.

There is no lottery you can enter to select the types of lifetimes you have all experienced. (In fact, many would not consciously choose a handful of them, were their egos in charge.) Every lifetime has lessons and blessings. Learn to search for an embrace them, as this will give your inner child a fighting chance when facing adversity.

In a so-called “perfect world,” everyone would be honest and forthcoming about their inner hurts without stockpiling grievances until they become unmanageable. Do yourself—and your soul—a favour and let everything that doesn’t bring joy to your heart go.

Bless the lessons your soul has given you to learn throughout this unique lifetime. While the intricacies surrounding your next lifetime have yet to be determined, your soul often chooses to design each one with the same people who challenged you during your previous lifetime. As many refer to those people as members of their “soul family,” so are those bonds everlasting—at least until a conscious choice is made to extricate your energies. This cannot be done by the ego, much to the chagrin of many.

Strive to be humble in the face of triumph for many will fail repeatedly, only to be greeted with shame and rejection. Be willing to put yourselves in their shoes and add extra doses of compassion when you sense they are needed. Don’t forget to start with yourself first. It’s impossible to give from an empty cup, after all.

With love from the Elohim.

~ Channeled February 22, 2024

Miracles in Motion

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Albert Einstein

Time will be a friend to those who embrace the soul’s itinerary.

Be willing to look at how you utilize your own.

“Use it for love,” your soul would suggest. “Miracles happen when you least expect them.”

And so it is.

~ Maitreya

“Clever, aren’t I?” the soul whispered to the woman. “Not only did you change the course of your own history, but you also positively impacted the lives of several people.”

The woman pondered what she heard but stayed silent.

“I still shouldn’t have to pay for the sins of someone else,” the young girl blurted out. “I mean, really, why did all of this happen anyway?”

“What do you mean?” the fool inquired. “You have so many more valuable life experiences because you followed your intuition. How could you not be grateful for what ensued?”

What ripple effects do you think would occur if you went against something (or someone, for that matter) because it didn’t feel right to you, even though other people have made a habit of following without giving it a second thought?

What if many of the things you were taught to believe are true are actually lies—or, at a minimum, variations of the truth that don’t quite make sense to your inner realm, which is poised and ready to upset a metaphorical applecart by questioning them?

Those are two fairly loaded questions, aren’t they?

But what of the applecart? If it wasn’t spilled over, would you not be able to pick out the apples that are too bruised to consume or those which will benefit from a bit more ripening?

While diversity has been shown to be imperative for a person’s overall growth and development of an internal repertoire of acknowledgment that carries lifetimes of wisdom encoded in your DNA, the fact that so many people still believe they only get one chance to get into Heaven seems a little preposterous in the grand scheme of things, doesn’t it?

Wouldn’t you want to know how your soul came into being?

Wouldn’t you want to know where you end up after making a single choice that changes a handful of people’s lives for the better, even though it might make you look like a fool at the outset?

Course corrections form a necessary part of your soul’s journey and sometimes a detour is exactly what you need—especially if that detour helps teach you how to embrace your soul’s light and discover your life purpose.

If you think of all the styles that have changed over the years and the ones that have been repeated and morphed from time to time, you will see the benefit of establishing one’s creativity in as many directions as possible as being paramount for relating to a wider group of people than you originally knew. That being the case as far as your future self is concerned, you wouldn’t hold back for a single second, would you?

Do you think your soul holds back when this lifetime was planned with assorted guides and advisors who see your potential through a much clearer lens than the ego?

Don’t hold yourself back because of the limitations of another. You deserve to embrace your full potential, now and in the days, weeks, and months to come. They are, after all, a strand of Now Moments all linked together like a chain of pearls containing wisdom from the collective ocean of souls comprising humanity as a whole.

Don’t hold yourself back because of the limitations of another. I am repeating this in the hopes that you will consider letting it sink in and assist you in moving past any of the limitations that were previously held as truth.

Blessings to you all.

I AM El Morya. Thank you for your time today.

~ Channeled November 13, 2023

Lifting barriers to freedom

The pain that made you the odd one out is the story that connects you to a healing world.

“Eleven” by Tanya Markul

There is no one in the world who knows and understands your story better than you do. That being said, there might be aspects of your inner realm that know the pain you’ve felt and the silent extents you’ll go to in order to keep that area safe, no matter the cost.

If happiness has been unreliable, then you might be subconsciously avoiding it. The same can also hold true for love.

As Mother Mary has mentioned before, “Let us begin anew.”

“’Final sale’ sounds much like ‘final sail,’” El Morya would tell you. No matter how you spell it, “pain” and “pane” will always sound the same.

Are you willing to allow the winds of change to open a few windows and doors so you can journey with the soul’s light at the helm, guiding the way?

Would you consciously drop anchor where you are now if you felt, deep within, that another harbour was beckoning you?

If you wish to take stock of your life, don’t forget that there are many who would willingly trade places with you.

Focus on gratitude first and let it build so that it fuels the fires of freedom within. That is where true change begins.

If I were to challenge you to do one thing today, it would be to make a difference in someone’s life. Do not hesitate to let that “someone” be you.

Fill your well to fuel your will and allow yourself the compassion and grace you didn’t receive in the past.

As “change” forms part of “challenge,” so is it within you to drop anchor in this Now moment with the following mantra in mind:

“I AM worthy of being seen and heard.”

Let that echo within your inner chamber and allow the song of the soul to repeat these words as often as they are needed:

“Your voice matters.”

As “moment” similarly forms part of “movement,” so is it within your soul’s power to provide whatever light is needed to guide you forward.


The worst thing about making a mistake isn’t that some people won’t accept an apology, it’s that they’ll begin to filter their perceptions through the myopic lens of a single event and not look at the totality of the other person’s overall behaviour.

For some, judging (or, rather, misjudging) is a redirection (or perhaps a projection) so that their own transgressions will no longer be at the forefront of their minds, if they actually were at all. (I’m mentioning this because the residue of their own hurts and disgruntlements might be lurking in the shadows and will only respond when triggered.)

“If no one else projected their unmet needs or unhealed wounds, what kind of world would we live in?” a few might be considering asking aloud.

No one will ever be “perfect” in the eyes of another. That stated, what is considered a high standard for some might be the bare minimum for another.

You are all perfectly imperfect, as are those of us who have been overseeing humanity’s evolution for far longer than some might believe.

The secret teachings of centuries past were guarded carefully by the people who sought to keep them safely hidden from those who tended to condemn inner freedom because it distracted from the belief that an external hierarchy was necessary to gain enlightenment—or forgiveness, for that matter.

Remember that the Earth is still round, regardless of those who continue to believe otherwise. Remember, too, that you will always be worthy of the soul’s love, regardless of those who continue to believe otherwise, as well.

The sooner love is placed at the forefront of your personal and collective belief systems, the sooner the peace that has eluded cluttered minds and hearts will begin to poke through, ushering forward a period of tremendous growth.

Healing requires feeling. You cannot hold anyone hostage, metaphorically speaking. You must choose to liberate yourself from anything that prevents love from being the source of your inner fulfilment.

You do not need to escape. You need to focus on freedom.

Trust that your soul would never shame or shun periods when you might have stumbled.

What matters is that you pick yourself up.




The soul keeps score far better than the ego ever will.

Try that one on for size. It might fit better than you think.

El Morya

~ Channeled February 21, 2023

Conscious connections

Living from the perspective at which you came from and returning to source really is an act of remembering, rather than an act of learning.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Transcend the limitations of those who have yet to embrace their Divine consciousness. You will not grow if you are unwilling to uproot yourself from a garden cluttered with weeds. Therein lies your choice: to eliminate the weeds or find a different place within which to bloom. To that end, we hope that Andromeda’s message inspires you to embrace the fullness of who you are.

Divine Unity, on behalf of the Elohim.

If clarity is what you are seeking, look within, not without.

You are abundant by nature. Whether it is an abundance of lack or a lack of abundance, it is within you to choose where you wish to place your focus.

Many of you know this, either from experience or from learning about this concept from other light beings such as Abraham.

We are here to remind you who you are.

Do not magnify your darkness as a way of diminishing your light. Illuminate your darkness and you will see things that have up to now eluded your observation.

Do you see yourself as limited or unlimited?

Do you see yourself as fragmented or whole?

Do you see that they are united in the spectrum of All That Is, which could be considered synonymous with the God Force that is both masculine and feminine in nature?

How brilliant is a light that shines for all to view!

While this is true for those who choose to accept that your imagination is one of the most direct links to your own Divine Consciousness, so must it also be feasible that this telepathic resonance can also be experienced with those who do not occupy a physical body.

You are Consciousness incarnate, Dear Ones.

You have always been more than what you might think you are.

Are you willing to shine as brightly as the Sun, which does not see itself but impacts everything within your galaxy as you know it to be?

Are you willing to accept that your limitations are only temporary?

How brave your soul must be to choose to occupy a physical body during a time when fragmentation is accepted more readily than the wholeness of who you truly are.

Remember that the spectrum of All That Is cannot exclude anyone or anything.

Does this not expand your potential rather than limit it?

“Do not hide your light under a bushel” has been written before. Remember it now as if it was the first time you have heard it.

Remember who you are.

You are Divine.

You are magnificent.

You are Consciousness incarnate.

And so it is.


~ Channeled February 20, 2023

Flowing forward

The height of a man’s success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment.

Leonardo da Vinci

What brings you a sense of peace and equanimity within?

What sets you apart from those around you who tend to misjudge you from time to time?

Do you ever wonder what your soul thinks about those who act one way toward your face yet the complete opposite behind your back?

It is not our role to deny conflict from existing, but to find a way to act as catalysts for peace so that the polarities can be integrated, both within yourself and the person with whom there is a slight discord.

If you feel called to serve the world’s healing, trust that doing so requires a good, honest look at where things have fallen out of alignment. Try to give others as well as yourself the benefit of the doubt, and don’t hold onto anger and resentment, which are impediments to the soul’s love.

Do not underestimate your soul’s strength or your intuition, for they are formidable allies that will guide you through waters that might seem less than hospitable. To that end, we hope you find value in the message this scribe was recently requested to transcribe on behalf of Djwhal Khul and El Morya.


“It is time to manoeuvre through the quagmire,” the infidel said.

“I never agreed to go through a swamp,” the cynic declared.

“To some, the swamp is protective,” Djwhal Khul remarked. “It is merely temporary, as are all things that annoy people. The mistake so many tend to make is allowing little things get to them. This does not do any favours for the physical vessel.”

“Neither does the swamp,” snorted the cynic, who was soon sopping wet. Within moments, however, a waterfall appeared, and the cynic was able to wash his clothes while feeling refreshed in the sun and clear water.

“It is said that Quan Yin visited these same waters,” Djwhal Khul continued. “They were considered sacred within her circle, and she, too, concurred that while the swamp was unpleasant, the reward was worth the effort and the time it took to get here.”

The fool looked around and felt a sense of peace that had eluded the group for quite some time.

“When do you think you’ll meet him?” the young girl asked the woman. “And don’t tell me that you don’t care, because I know you do.”

“There are others who will gladly step forward when my time with you has passed,” Djwhal Khul mentioned, stopping the woman from overthinking, which never did her any good.

“Being love is different from praying for it, you know,” he added, causing the woman to look up from the journal she had been writing in.

“I’m not sure why, but I feel like I’m going to run into someone I once dated,” she replied.

“Maybe, maybe not,” D.K. said. “But I’m glad you’re starting to feel more optimistic. It wouldn’t be such a bad idea to reconsider going back to England. Glastonbury has been calling your name for a handful of years and returning to the U.K. would feel like a homecoming of sorts.”

“The pull is strong, but I don’t know if it’s time, just yet.”

“Give yourself a few months. You might change your mind.”

“Djwhal Khul …” the young girl asked in a questioning tone. “Why have I been outcast?”

“It can be challenging to release those who no longer serve your soul’s purpose. Send them gratitude and remember that you, too, have left behind those who did not meet you where you wanted and needed to be.”

The woman then heard a familiar voice say, “As far as soul contracts go, many of you instantly know when an important person enters your sphere. Do not ignore the intuitive prompting that often accompanies these encounters, yet detach yourself from what you believe the outcome should be. Everyone has certain limits, and while some chomp at the bit to broaden and deepen them, others will stand as far back from the edge of taking a leap of faith for fear of falling face first into depths of despair.”

“Has that happened to you before?” El Morya asked the woman as he stepped forward fully.

“I had a feeling you were nearby,” she answered.

“When have I willingly denied an opportunity to witness your growth?”

“Not that I can recall,” the cynic said, looking around at the scenery.

“Ah, synergy and scenery,” El Morya said. “So many words can easily be modified to mean something else. Some might say that the entire alphabet is alchemical in nature.”

“Where to now?” the infidel inquired.

A dragon suddenly appeared overhead. The woman gasped with delight, as it had been a few years since any dragons had entered their circle.

“They are forbearers of tremendous change,” Djwhal Khul stated. “Remember that you have come this far because you are a warrior by nature.”

“And now she’s a warrior in nature,” the fool teased.

El Morya chuckled and then looked at the woman with a solemn expression. “You must not fear transitioning to higher planes. This brief respite was meant to remind you that even when things have fallen apart, you have the will and the strength to rebuild. An Adept’s journey is not unlike that of a Chela, but it will require you to practice more self-control. Let silence be your friend and not your enemy. The soul can be heard when the cacophony of the world has been set aside, even if it is only for a few short minutes each day. Trust its wisdom, as well as your own. Freedom is one of the rewards of self-mastery.”

“And so it is,” declared the young girl.

~ Channeled January 3, 2023

Enlightenment beyond the world you know

There’s always another level up. There’s always another ascension. More grace, more light, more generosity, more compassion, more to shed, more to grow.

Elizabeth Gilbert

It is rare for the Buddha to step forward during our sessions with this scribe. We hope you find his words meaningful.


Resolve to evolve.

Attaining enlightenment was not entirely the goal of my self-imposed period of solitude so I could come to terms with all the chaos I was witnessing throughout my time on Earth when I was known as Siddhartha Gautama.

There were others who came before me and many others who came after me to bring Ascension Codes to Gaia. We did this in subtle ways so as to not create discord within communities as a whole but to magnify the discordance within those who were attempting to move forward but were still stuck in old patterns that denied them the freedom the soul has always sought at the root of each chosen lifetime.

Our belief systems struck a nerve with many, just as they continue to do with those who have denied their own inner perspectives to be questioned and answered.

You do not need to bow down to me. What I would like you to do, however, is stay strong in the face of those who resolutely refuse to condemn themselves while acting as tyrants toward those who have chosen to be in service of others.

Mainstream religion has denied several truths from coming to the forefront, and women who were seen as stronger than men were turned away because those men feared they would be overthrown. Some women were beheaded or were forced into subservient positions to keep them out of the way, where they could no longer influence men whose egos were larger than their souls preferred.

You have spent lifetimes as men and women; as such, this is not directed to any one sex in particular but with a view to combining them as Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, which are intended to rebalance each other when societal expectations are swept away, not to mention those within family units that pretend things are fine when they are anything but.

Some have struggled with depression because of childhood wounds that have not yet been healed. Others have moved beyond them but are still reprimanded for the slightest infraction because their mere presence upsets the structure that has been accepted, regardless of whether it is mentally, emotionally, or physically healthy.

Make your health your utmost priority this year. Do not lay claim to your wounds with a view to portraying them as excuses or reasons for not moving forward. We know doing so can be difficult. We know that being the so-called “black sheep” can be less than pleasant in certain situations.

Being closer to the fringe is ultimately beneficial from your soul’s perspective, for you are one step closer to launching yourself into a whole new system that will tend to you in ways that have not yet been experienced as consistently as you would like to become accustomed to.

Blend your light with those who are willing to see you clearly without judgment and grant them the same miracle in return. While some might not agree that this is a miracle, per se, take the lead and make certain that you have swept the rug that you are standing on and that nothing is lying underneath to cause you to trip and fall.

Some of you are convinced that the rug will be pulled out from underneath you. Why not think of it as being a magic carpet instead? You would not be the first person to imagine soaring through the Universe, well beyond worlds you have come to know.

What treasures do you seek that you believe cannot be found within?

Why not take a chance and break free from your life as you know it to be so you can create anew?

You are a supernova. Brilliant beyond measure and breathtaking to behold.

With love and gratitude for your attention this 2nd day of January 2023,

I AM Gautama Buddha

~ Channeled January 2, 2023

The gift of freedom

Divinity means unfolding and expressing life in new ways. Divinity means radiating peace, bliss and beauty in the world. Divinity means overcoming the limitations of nature in new ways.

Amit Ray

As storylines go, which ones speak to your need for a fresh start?

Many deep lessons have been learned over the past few years, and we know some of them have been difficult, to put it mildly.

If you have a few minutes to recalibrate, we hope you will use them to absorb some of the energies and wisdom Archangel Uriel wishes to impart.

I Am Maitreya. Blessings to you all.

“And so it begins, and so shall we,” the wind whispered.

“What do you mean, ‘we’?” asked the young girl.

“All the elements work together in harmony,” was the only answer the woman heard before the Queen appeared in front of her.

“The New Year is fast approaching. ‘You’re stating the obvious,’ some might tell me, but I want you to think long and hard about what brings meaning and value to your life. Follow those first and use caution about divulging your private thoughts to those who will turn your words against you. You have learned this a few times, but the time has come for you to set a clear boundary with those who do not see you clearly and remove the barriers against those who care deeply but have yet to spring themselves free from their own self-imprisoned mentalities.”

“That’s a little deep for first thing in the morning,” the cynic said to the Queen.

“She has a point,” the young girl said. “Being an open book has left me feeling rejected and betrayed a handful of times.”

“Then I need to trust my intuition more,” admitted the woman.

“And trust people who are manipulative less,” the Crone observed as she appeared in the doorway with her bags fully packed.

“Why aren’t you staying?” the young girl inquired.

“Why are you?” she replied. “There are many more adventures that lie ahead.”

As far as brief dialogues go, who do you relate to the most? Are you the one left with all the responsibilities because you refuse to ask for help for one reason or another?

Think about those who set aside time for everyone who matters to them. If your circle is wide, this can be difficult to do. If your circle is small, you need to ask yourself how much time you allot for yourself to bring your hopes and dreams to the forefront and make them your utmost priority.

If you were to suddenly find yourself alone after years of being in a romantic partnership, how jaded would you be if someone who was honest and truthful by nature immediately stepped in to prove to you that not everyone will hurt or abandon you?

“What is the difference between honesty and truth?” some might inquire, to which we are choosing to reply with a simple question:

What do you hold as truth within?

If your fears of love are held tightly, you will not have room for those who are willing to give and receive without attachment to obligation or expectations that go against your inherent nature. The latter statement will automatically lead to what your inherent nature actually is.

While this soliloquy could turn into an intense conversation with the woman and the man she was asked to leave behind, how surprised would you be to learn that his own awakening occurred as a result of this catalyst being presented to him? That stated, what if his inherent nature is to be distrustful because of his own childhood wounds?

What would you do to help someone who refuses to give the next romantic partner a chance?

When each person’s life review occurs, potential outcomes to a specific situation are often shown.

If someone triggered you and you overreacted without thinking about the long-term consequences, how many people would keep their distance until their own fears of being seen with a few minor so-called “flaws” that were temporarily apparent have vanished?

“You are richer than you think,” some of us could tell you, which might also prompt a handful of you to think about how you define abundance.

As Mother Mary mentioned the other day, “Clarity and charity walk hand in hand.”

Who do you imagine yourself walking hand in hand with?

Who has been there for you during your own dark nights of the soul?

What if darkness exists to propel you toward the light?

Are you willing to surrender to love after all the disappointments you’ve endured? What if those events are what made you stronger all the way down to the very core of your being? Would you not accept that you are far more powerful than you ever gave yourself credit for?

“Let freedom reign within,” the Queen then said to the woman. “While you have been told this a time or two before, think about who matters in your world and nurture the relationships with people who accept you for you and do not attempt to change you into a less than empowered version of yourself. If they are triggered by your presence, give them space and time to figure out why they are afraid of their own sovereignty. Does this make sense? I know things need to be logical for you to hear this without judging yourself as being wrong for finally hitting your limit, as far as tolerating rejection and abuse are concerned.”

“Wow, you’re full of nuggets of wisdom today, aren’t you?” the cynic asked rhetorically.

“I hear you loud and clear,” the fool announced.

“As do I,” the young girl said as she looked at the woman intently.

Give yourself the gift of freedom. Your heart and soul will thank you.

With love from the archangelic realm,

I Am Archangel Uriel

~ Channeled December 27, 2022

The gift of renewal

Change is inevitable, but transformation is by conscious choice.

HeatherAsh Amara

Today’s message is from Maitreya. If the holiday season has been feeling a bit overwhelming, please consider taking a 2-minute break and allowing your heart to take refuge in his comforting words.

Mary Magdalene

Time will be a friend to those who choose to be friends with themselves.

You needn’t look for happiness other than within.

Let the traditions that have meaning and value to you be nurtured in a way that leaves a lasting impression on your inner realm. This will be particularly helpful if you are holding onto unworthiness as truth, which is merely an illusion created by trauma or a host of disappointments that have filtered into your inner sanctum and taken refuge.

It is time to clear out the old and let the idea of experiencing new adventures begin to percolate so they can be brought to life and embraced as fully as you are able.

Do not allow the inconsistencies of others replace what your soul wishes to instill.

As Archangel Uriel recently mentioned to this scribe, “Make it your mission to hold your values to the highest standards. Let this be remembered, today and always.”

“Challenge yourself to let go of what no longer serves you” has also been mentioned from time to time. Is it a Divine message or one that you resonate with because the time has come to clear the slate?

Your body’s innate intelligence is worth paying attention to. Do not ignore its wisdom.

As masquerading is not what your soul would ever intend for you, have the courage to break down things that have been overwhelming you and make peace with the people who do not see you as clearly as you would like. Making peace could also entail accepting that their soul’s purpose has been to teach you valuable—albeit painful—lessons.

Use gratitude as fuel. A lifeboat would never be stable with those who intentionally attempt to upset it.

Do you see what we are attempting to tell you? Can you hear the intention in our words? Do you accept the logic of our transformative recommendations?

Have you tapped into your own abilities to be clairvoyant, clairaudient, and claircognizant?

Why not give yourself permission to elevate your game for your inner realm’s sake? You will be stronger for maintaining authenticity as truth, no matter how many naysayers surround you.

While many are attempting to promote “positive vibes only,” the term “spiritual bypassing” was coined for a reason.

If you want to ascend even further throughout this lifetime and the ones to come, give embracing sovereignty your utmost attention. There will always be people who will attempt to undermine others or throw them under the bus for one thing or another. Give them a wide berth and give yourself an even wider rebirth.

No matter how many storms are surrounding or within you, every day is a chance to be reborn into the soul’s light.

And so it is.


~ Channeled December 11, 2022

Ascension challenges

When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience.

Jaeda Dewalt

Maitreya asked me to tap into the Elohim at the start of this morning’s channeling session. This is one of the things they had to share: “Your ability to remain sovereign is challenged by those who continue to attempt to undermine you. Do not fall prey to their betrayal of themselves nor allow it to cause you to fall prey to your own.”

Maitreya then said, “We often draw a line between the spectrum of a person’s experience and how others have projected their own perceptions onto the growth periods both parties have been enduring. This line is not static but serves as a way to place a stop/start that is often felt within. Your inner realm will understand what this means without attempting to overanalyze it.”

Maitreya paused before continuing. “When do you come to the point where darkness and light are facing each other? If you magnify what appears to be a line between the two, you will see that they are intertwined, just as your own journey toward ascension can also be intertwined with those who believe themselves to be far more pious. This is an illusion. Growth is growth, and if a person makes what others deem to be a gross error in judgment, look at the outcome and then ask yourself if that mistake was actually a catalyst to catapult sovereignty to the forefront. This is where true change begins and self-destructiveness can make its final exit. Push beyond your self-imposed limitations. Trust that the soul’s alchemy has far reaching effects and grant others the grace that you, too, would wish to receive if you were undergoing a period of intense transformation. In the meantime, we hope Archangel Michael’s message below also serves to catapult readers into the next phase of their awakening with greater ease and clarity. And so it is.”


Who do you admire most in the world? Is that person alive, or has he, she, or they (being pronoun sensitive) transitioned to the place where you, too, will return during what we term the time between time?

What is your favourite movie? Do you have a favourite book in lieu of a television show that once provided entertainment?

The reason for us asking these questions has much to do with the distractions you are allowing to take the place of forward movement on your own ascension journey.

Please do not mistake the need for rest as simply tied to mental or physical exhaustion. Many times it is because you feel the need to escape this mortal coil, as it was once coined and repeated many times since Hamlet was first penned.

How often do you binge watch a television program in lieu of going on a new adventure?

What is your greatest fear? Is it love? Death? Abandonment? All three seemingly rolled into one?

There is much that we can tell you about the time between time. What stories and adventures do you wish to relay once you have left your physical body behind? Is it difficult to imagine what it would be like to no longer occupy what you have become accustomed to?

As many undergo a period of intense transformation following a near death experience, so are those who received a small dose of what is termed “Divine Intervention” also impacted to a tremendous degree.

Do not forget where you came from. Let your mind imagine what this place is like and how often you visit with ascended masters (as they are often termed), not to mention those of us in the archangelic realm who foresee many shifts occurring within the Earth plane during the next decade alone.

Do not abandon yourself if you are enduring a dark period during your soul’s adventure. Many more new horizons await your exploration.

With much love,

Archangel Michael

~ Channeled November 30, 2022


Preparing to soar

We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

Joseph Campbell

“Lighten up,” the cynic remarked. “People are going to start pushing you away from them.”

“They already have,” the fool observed.

“Let them,” the young girl said. “I’m tired of pretending I’m something I’m not.”

 “Perhaps you might want to consider this concept instead: you were operating from an old version of who you are that was based on how you were conditioned,” Maitreya declared. “When you’re ready to change that, you’ll no longer be the caboose of a very long and emotionally draining train.”

“Do you still have the transcription I asked you to record?” Maitreya then asked the woman.

“I do,” she replied.

“You accepted vows a number of years ago to create a sacred sanctuary within yourself where you would be safe expressing your truth. While the circumstances of your life have not been and no longer are exactly as you would like them to be, those who are struggling to step into their authentic selves have benefited from the words we have asked you to share on our behalf. This is a role you agreed to.”

“Even if it made people uncomfortable?” inquired the cynic.

“As many are aware, it is easy to maintain the status quo when the Universe does not attempt to intervene. Are you ready?”

“I Am,” the fool affirmed, feeling the sense of power those two simple words contained.

“You were ready quite a while ago,” Maitreya replied. “It simply took time to peel back the layers preventing you from expressing yourself without trying to make yourself appear perfect in the eyes of those who tend to judge—or, rather, misjudge—every transgression. “Did I need to go through this?’ you might be wondering, and the answer your soul would give you is a resounding ‘yes.’”

Maitreya looked around before continuing. Everyone met his gaze without flinching or turning away. He smiled, knowing that the time had come for them to hear the rest of what he had to say.

“If your desire for freedom is strong, you will stand up against all who attempted to diminish your light—not by proclaiming superiority in any way, shape, or form, but by finding your centre and nourishing the light that might have been neglected as a result of negative belief systems that were instilled long before you would be ready to dare yourself to break the bonds of societal and familial conditioning. This requires tremendous risk, not to mention courage, both of which you learned by pretending to be something that you weren’t. I would like to challenge you to sit with that before proceeding. Taking a leap of faith will give you wings to soar.”

“And so it is,” the cynic said.

“Indeed and in deed, as El Morya would tell you.”

“So be it,” the Queen pronounced, banging her staff on the ground with sufficient force so as to send reverberations straight through to the woman’s bones.

“So be it,” echoed the woman before setting down her pen.

Let yourself be taken to the end of the line, for the caboose is a sign for all that the last in the train is always the forbearer to a clear track. That does not say that the caboose has no function or purpose. In many ways, it is just as important than all the cargo that is being pulled forward.

There is much to say about distancing yourself from those who are carrying toxic baggage that they refuse to give to anyone but you. Let that sink in if you are the one who has the strength and courage to shoulder a large portion of the distractions that have been swirling around. If others are attempting to find their centre, they will learn to see beyond the chaos they have permitted. If they see you as the one causing chaos and that is the farthest thing from your mind, take a step back and reframe the situation.

A gnarled tree is often a beautiful thing to behold, and even though furniture made from burled wood can be breathtaking to view, a tree cannot stand on roots that are rotting.

Are you standing on solid ground? How deep and strong are your own roots? Have you delved within to determine whether there are any that have become entangled, stunting further growth?

Do not fear uprooting yourself and finding a place where you can thrive. Those who are meant to support you will continue to do so. Those who are seeking to be with you for their own gain must learn to become more independent and self-reliant.

Mutually beneficial partnerships are not impossible to create. The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within each and every person must—and will—eventually come into perfect alignment. Often the process of doing so can fracture relationships that you hoped would stand the test of time.

Think on soul contracts and ask your intuition to provide you with the deeper lessons that are being learned when the people you care about have rejected or abandoned you. Have they also taught you how to become more independent and self-reliant?

“What a beautiful sunrise!” someone might tell you, while on the opposite side of the world the sun is setting, and someone else might be remarking that another day has ended in the most brilliant and magnificent way.

You will be on opposite sides of many situations throughout this incarnation. Remember that it is a spectrum, and within the continuum are opportunities for advancement—some of which are painful to experience.

At first glance, what do you imagine when you clairvoyantly witness the Kingdom of Heaven within?

Trust your intuition. While this has been said by and to millions of people over the last century alone, it proves how important that hidden aspect of your Divine entitlement can be and is.

Some have attempted to convince themselves they are unworthy of receiving any form of Divine Intervention. Those who have experienced it will likely tell you it is nothing short of life-altering. What category does my message fall into?

Do you perceive me as being in the engine or standing atop the caboose, looking at the scenery around and asking you if this is where you wish to stay? Are the engine and caboose at opposite ends or are they framing an aspect of the continuum? It is entirely up to you to move or remove what is being carried in between.

Framing a window requires that the foundation is sufficiently level to support everything that is built on top of it. The presence of a few cracks does not mean the entire structure is going to crumble. They only require a bit of care and attention, as well as the recognition that the Earth must also be able to support everything that has been laid within it, too.

When your life term has reached its soul designed end, there will be a blissful reunion with all who taught you valuable lessons—including ones that were instilled by those who do not seek to comfort you during your hours of need. Let it be so and remember this important truth: you do not need to placate anyone into accepting you for who you are.

We will always be nearby. There is nothing anyone else can say or do that will destroy your soul’s love for you—or ours, for that matter.

You are free to believe you are unworthy to receive; however, if you are reading this second last paragraph, a part of you knows that toxic patterns are no longer a part of your internal framework. Much occurs behind the scenes that is difficult to express in a handful of short paragraphs designed to promote healing. When each lifetime is seen within the continuum of your soul’s adventure, you will witness the glory of your innate magnificence. Believe this to be so and so it is.

I Am Maitreya. Thank you for spending time with me today.

~ Channeled October 27, 2022