Food for thought and thought for food

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Albert Einstein

While El Morya’s unique perspective might seem a bit unusual for a so-called “ascended master,” so could it be said that a number of healers and masters alike learned to temper their tempers and alchemize misplaced energy so it could be put to positive use. As the holiday season is fast approaching—and, from our observation, has been in full swing for a few weeks now—so do we hope you will digest E.M.’s words of wisdom or keep them in your back pocket as seeds of love and truth to plant where you believe they are needed most. Mark down the times bursts of insight come to you and look up their “angel number” meaning. The signs of our presence are all around you. ~ Archangel Uriel


Most people would think twice before eating a piece of fruit that had fallen from a tree. Many variables account for this, I suppose, but it’s food for thought and thought for food, don’t you think?

While I’m on the topic, were you to eat pomegranate seeds, you might discover you have a taste for them, in spite of their unusual texture. On a different point of the tolerance spectrum, the same could be said for abuse if you were taught to accept it in small enough amounts for it to seem “normal.”

When love is doled out in minute portions, receiving larger doses can be unsettling, especially when the love provided earlier in life had a number of conditions attached to it or was set to a bar that was artificially high and kept precariously balanced against the whims and fancies of those who had not learned the meaning of unconditional love.

The soul’s definition of love can be difficult to understand if it is not experienced firsthand. It can also be difficult to imagine the totality of it, given that all Children of the Light are loved without condition, regardless of what they learned either firsthand or from someone who repeated a worn-out meme in need of revisiting and recalibration. (These visits are calibrations, in a manner of speaking, but I’m sure you’ve figured that out.)

Friendships that are conditional upon a person behaving a certain way are tantamount to toxic seeds laced with arsenic. Mind you, there is a minute amount of cyanide contained within an apple seed. While this is not being stated to elevate concern, anyone who has attempted to consume an apple seed has likely discovered it is extremely bitter. Yet how can a potentially toxic seed magically transform itself into a tree that bears satisfying fruit?

Can a toxic relationship also be transformed? Is it worth nurturing if it is bitter to the core? How can it be transformed into a miracle?

As my dear friend Sananda (whom many know as Jesus) mentioned recently, “Today we would like you to challenge yourself to take a deep breath before replying, especially if someone triggers you. Trust that their reactions—as well as your own—speak to hidden areas within that have yet to become accustomed to the soul’s light. Once you are aligned with your soul’s highest truth, all that was an annoyance to the ego will simply be a minor blip on your soul’s radar.”

He then went on to say, “Challenge yourself to trust that your inner compass is aligned with your True North. Any time you feel you have fallen off course, believe and know that you will be guided to return to this place, for it is where you will find your strength as well as your raison d’être. You do not need to justify your presence to anyone. Find your voice. Learn how to speak your truth without editing yourself to pacify those who are uncomfortable with facing their own weaknesses. Use this lesson to your own benefit, for you will be blessing this Holy Encounter when you do. Your inner radar is always aligned to your intuition. Be willing to rely on it so you can stay on course.”

All relationships, no matter how debilitating at times, can be transformed into Holy Encounters. Are you up for this alchemical challenge? Are you willing to rely upon your intuition, as well as your soul?

The soul is not bound by laws created by humanity, nor is it restricted by pride or vanity. While there are poems written that speak to this which some can recite by heart, would it not be simpler to present your best version of love to yourself and others so that no one questions whether love is real? How can you nourish and flourish if you are not willing to alchemize an old definition? Isn’t doing so a miracle, in and of itself?

The Elohim pulled this together nicely by also recently stating, “Miracles are natural. Do not fear embracing the spectrum of light as it travels to where it is needed in order to call forward what first began as a thought. Indeed, that is how the Universal Mind brought all that humanity has sought to experience into existence.”

Judas Iscariot’s role in the crucifixion may never be understood clearly by those who are attached to the judgments and misjudgments of their egos. That said, as this scribe has declared on more than one occasion, “Sometimes we need to encounter great darkness in order to find out how much light we have inside.”

Embrace the fullness of love that you seek to experience, no matter how much darkness surrounds you. Your heart knows the difference between fact and fiction. Be willing to challenge all that no longer resonates as truth within and allow the soul’s magic to transform you.

The survival of humanity rests on its collective ability to learn how to love without restriction. Start by practicing this habit with yourself.

I AM El Morya. Thank you for joining me at the soul’s banquet today.

~ Channeled November 26, 2021

#truth #selflove #foodforthought #soulfood #miracles #selfmastery #transformation #alchemy #spirituality #inspirationalquotes #innerhealing #healingjourney #acim

Love will always win

If we are caught by the obstacle of knowledge, even if truth comes knocking at our door, we will refuse to let it in.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Archangel Michael came forward during this morning’s channeling session to discuss the topic of karma. As always, his guidance and wisdom spoke to my heart.



As summer is beginning to wind to a close in certain parts of the Northern Hemisphere, spring flowers are preparing to reveal themselves in other areas of the world.

Many are content with their life circumstances and playfully express themselves with little to no thought of their childhood. Those who suffered abuse in a wide variety of forms do not always view themselves as victims, although some might be convinced they are delivering conflicting messages to the outer world. Victims often bloom a little later in life than they or others would like. Relinquishing attachment to victimhood and self-inflicted judgment—or misjudgment, as the case may be—are absolutely essential for this to occur.

The soul has its own seasons and reasons for rebalancing the scales of justice when a person is least expecting it. Do not let that alarm or frighten you, as I am about to explain a different side of karma that some might not have considered. This is intended to help you become more soul centred, which will always serve your overall growth.

Some growth spurts can be extremely painful; others happen seemingly overnight, especially when the soul has been preparing for an important shift and the ego finally relinquishes its attachment to a particular outcome. Relationships can suddenly change or end in the blink of an eye as a result, leaving one person shocked by another person’s sudden departure. The benefit of this is that room has been made for new growth to burst forth. That stated, it is distressing for those who seek to explain themselves to be shunned out of malice or apathy—or both—being that they can act as window dressings revealing a darker dimension of the interior of the other person with little to no effort whatsoever.

“Karma’s a b*tch,” some have said, not understanding that the world does not revolve around them. Karma is something that is assigned with the soul’s acceptance that balancing and rebalancing are both necessary in the overall lifespan of the soul’s evolution, which includes far more lifetimes than what many might anticipate.

The drawers of the world do not see a dresser in the same way as a dresser views a drawer. This can be interpreted a handful of ways, just as an innocent comment can be interpreted in a way that dismisses the soul’s light from entering, particularly when a disagreement did not exist in the first place.

How many times have you sought closure with someone who has misinterpreted you?

How many times have you sought to gain clarity for the same reason?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is another way of saying you deserve to be treated with love and respect, just as your inner realm would readily proclaim the same if given an opportunity to do so.

We cannot intervene in affairs of the ego. We can, however, step in and provide necessary instructions on how to alleviate the energetic disruptions caused by a psychic attack, which is synonymous with the intentional infliction of negative thoughts and energy projected by those who are consumed with malice or anxiety. If those feelings were transformed into archetypes exhibiting those uncomfortable feelings, they might begin to perceive themselves as unwelcome neighbours to a heart that only seeks to exude peace, love, and calm.

Alchemy occurs when those same uncomfortable feelings are transmuted and transformed, and sometimes a simple dialogue among a group of archetypes is all that is needed to set the rebalancing process into motion.

Lightworkers are often attacked by those who do not see that the ego can be blind to the heart’s needs.

As this scribe has been instructed to take a brief hiatus within the next few days, we are seeking to bring the following comment forward so that the aspects of your inner realm which might be biding their time waiting for yet one more shoe to drop or justice to be served will begin to accept this as truth:

Trust that karma will make amends.

We are seeking to repeat this three times so your heart, mind, and soul can form an alliance.

“Why didn’t you repeat it?” some might be wondering.

Perhaps you are meant to repeat it to yourself as many times as needed so that the mind can let go of the illusion that it has everything under control.

The heart was born free to perform the vital function of helping keep a body alive. Know that the heart’s aura is far stronger than the ego will ever be. Do not identify with the former and ignore the latter, but check in with yourself from time to time to determine whether all is well within your inner realm.

Archetypal alchemy is not practiced widely as part of mainstream psychology; yet, Carl Jung stood by his research and maintained his conviction that archetypes held the key to establishing accord within.

This scribe was quite accurate in her recent comment to a friend, “If the mind and heart are out of alignment, signals can get crossed.” Please keep this in mind and ask yourself whether your heart’s healing takes priority over a bruised ego that is attempting to rebalance the scales against the soul’s will.

A party of one contains far more attendees than a person might expect. As Source, God, or the Universal Mind are synonymous with the Oneness of All That Is, trust that the heart, mind, and soul are a congealed trinity when the shattered fragments that have been viewed with clarity are seen as a mosaic that was the end result of hopes, wishes, and dreams—as well as friendships and other important relationships—being broken, seemingly beyond repair.

Transformation is second nature to the soul.

Find the beauty offered by the alchemical process, as it will inevitably lead to a feeling of freedom and self-empowerment that cannot be extinguished by an external force.

Let your heart lead. As this scribe also recently mentioned, “Cor ad Cor Loquitur is Latin for ‘heart speaks to heart.’” An interpreter will not be required if the mind is willing to allow the heart to speak its peace.

Embrace the desire to heal with as much love and compassion as you are able to give and receive.

A unified world can easily be the result of people who are willing to be unified within. Indeed, it depends on it.

Love will always win.

On behalf of the entire Archangelic realm,

I AM the Archangel Michael.

~ Channeled August 2, 2021

The Sirius Gateway: Amplifying our Divine Light

Let there be Light.

Genesis 1:3

Nemetona came forward during my channeling session on July 4. Her message resonated deeply. It isn’t uncommon for introverts to have extrovert tendencies, and later identify themselves as being “ambiverts” instead. Many of us are empaths who are extremely sensitive and attuned to our environments. We periodically attract energy vampires who have not yet learned how to tap into their own inner power, and are mistakenly labeled as aloof or antisocial when we’re unwilling to have our energy syphoned off.

Lengthy periods of comfortable solitude are not only craved but an absolute necessity in order to recharge our batteries. Still waters run deep, and we thrive on meaningful conversations, struggling to make small talk with others. Authenticity is key, and it personally drains me to filter myself or tiptoe around the insecurities of others. I’ve been “ghosted” more times than I care to admit, which is frustrating because it generally means an opportunity for healing is being denied, whether consciously or unconsciously.

“Triggers are not a person’s enemy. Relationships of every kind present challenges, and they often end when vulnerability is avoided,” Maitreya is telling me. “Some refuse to broaden their horizons because of repeated disappointments. We encourage readers to take Nemetona’s recommendation to heart. Every act of love can make a difference—even to those who have been taught to define love by people who were anything but loving. It is our purpose to shift the scales and help people become more aligned to their higher selves. Love is synonymous with freedom, not attachment. Your soul knows this as truth. We also encourage readers to question whether creating a ritual to call upon the Source of All That Is might prove beneficial at this time.”


As the Sirius gateway is opened and more and more people are gathering together to honour the Earth, especially in areas where a vortex has been established, more and more light is being brought to Gaia’s sacred ground.

You are all energetic beings who came from areas where a significant amount of light exists—and by “significant” I mean virtually immeasurable—and some of you are transitioning to higher levels of consciousness. In doing so, a number of relationships that once brought you tremendous comfort are no longer serving your overall growth.

It is within sacred rituals that one’s inner realm becomes more attuned to the light that once felt more like home than any other place on Earth. It could be said that your true spiritual family is synonymous with your soul family, and those whom you encounter and recognize an immediate rapport exists are usually from the same tribe, so to speak. Some of those members cast aside what they term a “black sheep” because he or she has a mission to complete that would be hindered if a direct connection was maintained. Many resist this disconnection, and this is understandable. Our scribe will most certainly attest to this particular statement.

Hyaluronic acid is said to draw water from the air into the skin. Those particles are invisible to the naked eye, and although relief can be felt within a relatively short period of time, those who have been disconnected from their tribe will not find the same relief until others who are vibrating at a similar level arrive to fill in the gaps, in a manner of speaking.

I chose to step forward this morning to encourage you to reach out to those with whom you feel a sense of deep connection, even if you are not familiar with him or her (or them) in your day-to-day life. This will draw more light into your personal experience.

You are sacred beings on a sacred mission. Do not forget why you came here.

I AM Nemetona. You will find me hovering over sacred ceremonies. Do not fear my presence. I AM here to love and support you, just as you are in physical form to love and support each other. And so it is.

~ Channeled July 4, 2021

When one chapter ends, another begins

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.

Hermes Trismegistus

This post contains messages from Archangel Raphael and Maitreya, as well as Archangel Michael and Lady Faith. While each section can stand on its own to some extent, they form a trinity, just as the Star of David is created by combining two sacred trinities. Thoth gently nudged me just now and said, “When I was Hermes Trismegistus, I was known to say, ‘As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.’ You are all loved more than you know and in ways that are impossible to describe. Please remember that, today and always. Embrace new beginnings, even if they follow difficult endings. Miracles will be revealed to you when you are willing to open your mind and heart.”

And so it is.


Many have been told they’re “too much.” Some have been left feeling like they aren’t enough. This applies to men and women alike, and opening the mind to integrate the soul’s light can be difficult for those who have been protecting a wounded heart or bruised ego. If this applies to you, trust that this message might prove beneficial.

The soul intends to clear a pathway between the mind and heart, and sweep up the fragments that might be creating distorted perceptions from the remnants of hopes and dreams that have been shattered, seemingly beyond repair.

Many are feeling exposed and witnessing relationships change in unexpected ways, not knowing how to manoeuvre through the aftermath or struggling to make sense of where things went “wrong,” and hoping against hope that repairs can be made.

On a soul level, relationships have a higher purpose, and many have made the mistake of holding onto people who were only meant to teach a specific lesson. Sometimes one of those lessons is to show them that codependent patterns are limiting their soul’s overall growth.

Trust that your soul knows what it’s doing, and let your ego take a back seat without attempting to steer the wheel that is meant to be handled—quite expertly, we might add—by your soul. If you are feeling weary, isn’t it time that you simply enjoyed the view?

There is a broad spectrum between darkness and light. It is our hope that the message from Archangel Michael and Lady Faith which was transcribed on June 16 challenges you to chart a new path if the one you’re currently walking is less than desirable to you. You are also being encouraged to explore Sacred Geometry symbols, as all of life is connected to wondrous patterns that can move and shift, just as life moves and shifts. Prior to reading their message, please review the brief introduction below and know that your inner sacredness is far more important than what your ego might be currently attached to.

You are unlimited. Remember that and push yourself beyond the confines of whatever is held as truth within. Blaze new trails for others to follow and give yourself permission to breathe fully and deeply so that your soul’s light can enter your body with more ease and grace.

I AM the Archangel Raphael. Please open your heart and be willing to receive the healing energy we are seeking to impart, for all of humanity is worthy of being redeemed after karma has come full circle. Do not attach your ego to what you deem “karma” to be, as things aren’t always as they appear. Trust that your soul knows full well when to ascend to the next level. Remember that others will similarly ascend when they are meant to, and it is up to you to give them both the grace and space to learn at their own pace. If the latter sentence leans toward the type of message our Divine friend El Morya would choose to impart, know that he is always available to help steer you in a more soul worthy direction, just as this message is intended to do the same.


Archangel Michael and Lady Faith asked me to transcribe the message below on June 16 and incorporate a Star of David with the post, as it forms part of Sacred Geometry symbols. Lady Faith said, “It is meant to energetically anchor the soul’s light more fully into your entire being, along with the light from the archangelic realm.” This image immediately caught my eye.

When I looked at the photograph again today, I could feel a gentle surge of energy in my throat chakra that continued to spread toward my heart chakra. Quite unexpectedly, this amplified a feeling of sadness I’ve been attempting to suppress after a close friend suddenly closed the door to our friendship when an innocent comment I made in our “tribe” chat group was taken the wrong way. I had been feeling her pulling away from me for quite some time, but also sensed she needed a bit of breathing room, as I was accustomed to the ebbs and flows of our friendship over several decades. Despite numerous attempts to initiate a conversation to clear the air, all my attempts have failed, leaving me trying to imagine how different the landscape of my life will be without a person I’ve known since I was five years old. Mourning someone who has died is one thing; mourning a close relationship with someone who lives in the same city is something else entirely.

Archangel Michael then stated, “Unblocking the throat chakra is necessary for the heart and mind to come into congruence. The more the ego tries to stifle the truth from being seen and acknowledged, the more difficult attaining this alignment will become. We encourage authentic dialogues, even if they are challenging, as the heart does not deserve to carry the weight of another person’s misperceptions.”

As always, Maitreya was nearby and said, “Many have been shunned with little or no explanation. You are not unfamiliar with mourning someone who is still alive, yet we are not permitted to step in unless it is in your soul’s best interests that a reconciliation be attained. You and your friend form part of the same soul family and have spent many lifetimes together. This is not your last one. The following statement can apply to a few people:  Be brave enough to walk your path alone for now, especially if you are weary from the disappointments and frustrations of the world. Know that we are walking alongside you. Quiet your mind and trust that this can be felt and seen if you are willing to allow the soul’s gifts of clairsentience and clairvoyance to unite and charge your auric field with the energy needed to forge a new path. If you are adventurous by nature, this will be a logical step to you. If you are skeptical by nature, this too will be a logical step. Step by step, you will find yourself facing new vistas you never thought possible. Do not give up if the view you are currently experiencing leaves you feeling uninspired and alone. Allow the words of Archangel Michael and Lady Faith to ignite your inner fire and fan the flames of desire for sunrises and sunsets to be witnessed in an entirely new way. We wish you love, courage, and self-awareness. Chart a new path and create trinities to anchor the soul’s light into your inner being. Remember what Thoth has said: ‘As above, so below.’ We are united to project a similar trinity so the two can unite and interlock in much the same way the Star of David resembles the Merkaba. Warriors of light, unite and fight for each other. Don’t quit until everyone wins.”

And so it is.


Multiple outer forces are often competing for people’s attention. The same holds true for a person’s inner realm. While we do not wish to delve into archetypes as we have mentioned this topic a handful of times, we do wish to remind people that journaling—as boring as it can be from time to time—is a figurative way of boring into the inner sanctum to find peace where multiple fractured pieces can appear to exist.

The soul is a catalyst for growth, as are others who come into your life—whether for brief periods or many years—and while some growth spurts are far more difficult than others, please understand that your soul is not acting against you. It is merely liberating everything that is negating freedom from being accepted and known as truth.

Many people say that “the third time’s a charm” and have applied this saying to multiple marriages. The most important vow we encourage people to make is one of self-care, especially during times when darkness, whether internal or external, seems far too much to bear.

Your heart is worth cherishing. Don’t let people who are intent on neglecting it reinforce a self-directed negative belief about yourself.

There is an ancient poem discovered in the Nag Hammadi library called “The Thunder, Perfect Mind,” which has been interpreted and reinterpreted a number of times. While some might believe their individual interpretation is the penultimate version, you are entitled to hold a completely different opinion of its meaning and also believe your perspective is more elevated.

Psychically speaking, you are all able to tap into the Universal Mind and come up with line after line that leads from one direction to another. Some wind circuitously, yet others appear to be reaching out to other lines that are reasonably close but lacking a single threadlike surge of energy to connect the two. We have chosen to present this analogy as a way of reminding you that your mind is extremely powerful, and many might have already mentally connected these lines by forging a bond they believe will last and can be relied upon.

Many relationships will continue to fall short of the mark from the ego’s perspective. Do not fall prey to the belief that the other person’s soul has abandoned or neglected you. Many lessons are learned the hard way and eventually lead to breakthroughs and discoveries that would have stayed buried for an indefinite period of time, which brings us back to the suggestion of journaling.

Tap into your inner wisdom, knowing that your soul has already illuminated areas in need of extra tender loving care. “Do not go gentle into that good night,” as Dylan Thomas said. “Rage, rage against the dying of the light,” and know that making your inner light your most precious priority is an act of bravery and courage.

Allow your soul to be your companion and ally on your journey toward freedom. We promise you that the hills and valleys you encounter will be far more exhilarating if you believe there is no such thing as “losing,” only areas where a win-win situation has yet to be discovered.

A win-win situation is what your soul is betting on. You are far better off wishing an adversary well and completing the circle than trying to force a connection against the other person’s will.

Draw a boundary around yourself and charge your inner warrior to stand guard. There are other archetypes within your sacred sanctuary who are warriors by nature. Do not think you are walking this path alone.

You have centuries upon centuries of soul wisdom available to you. Bring forward all that negates this from being understood and accepted. Bring forward the nightmares that reoccur until the higher lesson is revealed, as you are taking an active role in your soul’s ascension by doing so.

Liberation awaits.

With love,

Archangel Michael and Lady Faith

~ Channeled June 16, 2021

Adopting a miracle mindset

Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.

Maya Angelou

During this morning’s channeling session, one of the things El Morya mentioned was, “Your fear of love is long past its expiry date. That stated, it would be a worthwhile question to ask at the very beginning of today’s post, wouldn’t it? Mind you, simply mentioning it might very well prompt people to question their own belief systems as well as their self-defeating patterns of action and reaction to determine if they, too, are past their expiry date. Don’t forget there is tremendous power in forgiveness, and the past can no longer hold onto you if you are unwilling to maintain the status quo and allow past patterns of self-protectiveness to hold you hostage. If I repeated the word ‘hold’ in the previous sentence, can you not repeat the words ‘let go’ every time a triggering event piques your attention, trying to limit the joy this adventure called life is seeking to offer?”

He paused for a moment and then said, “You enjoyed a lengthy conversation with a close friend earlier this week, and I asked you to remind her that she was perfectly imperfect, after which you suggested creating a t-shirt proclaiming exactly that, with #loveworthy printed directly underneath.”

I consciously sent a wave of gratitude toward El Morya, silently acknowledging that the guidance he sought to provide over the years has been nothing short of life altering. Still, not everyone will want to read and integrate what he and the other guides I work with have asked me to share.

Some continue to struggle, denying their darkness and pretending their shadow sides don’t have a place in their spiritual practice. I could add cliché after cliché, trying to prove to people that the truth would set them free. What if facing the lies of feeling unlovable or unworthy that have been manifesting themselves as truths did exactly that? Would facing your inner darkness with a bit of lighthearted humour help make this process easier?

“Inner freedom might very well be closer than you think,” remarked Maitreya, who said he was waiting for the right moment to chime in. “Let’s let El Morya take it from here.”

“Aye, aye, Captain,” said my inner cynic.

“Onward!” my inner child exclaimed, seeing the ocean ahead as an abundant landscape challenging us to embrace our innate wholeness by doing what El Morya recommends in the very first sentence below.


Challenge yourself to think outside the box.

If that’s second nature to you, challenge yourself to think about how you can shift your perspective and integrate how every single wall has both a blessing and a curse. This will help you to compartmentalize differently, and it is also especially beneficial to men who tend to compartmentalize as a matter of habit, which happens to be one of the most challenging things the majority of women find about the so-called “opposite” sex.

Are you not all created from the Light that shone from your soul? “That depends,” some might answer. “A lot of people lack a conscience.” “Do they?” I might retort. “Or are they showing us how important it is to be mindful of all that we do?”

Integrity is everything, after all.

Don’t think for a moment that the so-called “opposite” side of the fence isn’t also the opposite side of the fence to whomever is on the opposite side.

Think of “opposite” as “oppose site.” That will help you to broaden your awareness so you are no longer judging or characterizing that which does not concur with your current mindset.

I often speak in parables and adopt modern vernacular because it challenges people to look beyond the 3D realm through a slightly different lens. I do not see you as being opposite from me; I see us as part of the same whole.

In the Oneness of All That Is, there are no apples without trees, without soil, without sunlight, without rain, or without integrating miracle after miracle in every single waking moment. Even during sleep, miracles are occurring without even the slightest thought to an ego or a mind frame intent on declaring an atom completely separate from the sum of all its parts.

You are the sum of many parts and indeed are a Universe unto yourself. Can you separate your arm from your body and still use it? No. But can you imagine crocheting without the use of either hand? I imagine that you can.

What miracles can you imagine occurring today? You have the power within to create them.

With love from my realm to yours—and by that I mean I AM with you in consciousness, simply because you’re connecting with what I have to tell you.

How do you like them apples?

El Morya

~ Channeled June 24, 2021

You are Divine. Know this to be true (and question everything else).

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Albert Einstein

However you define Source, know that you are blessed beyond measure. It is our fervent hope that Mother Mary’s introduction to today’s message inspires you to open your mind and heart so you can receive the Divine blessing that follows. ~ Maitreya


Don’t fall prey to your fears. Understand them. Find the hidden gem awaiting your discovery. Trust that your soul holds the scales of justice and anything out of alignment with it will fall away from your life. Don’t think twice about taking a step back if your needs aren’t being met. This includes friends and family alike, even though the latter will be far more challenging for some than others.

You are your greatest priority, and as this scribe has often said—as recently as this morning, in fact:

“Don’t accept crumbs for love as truth. The soul has an entire banquet to offer.”

The message we have requested her to share today was transcribed on Friday evening. It might not sit well with everyone, but so-called “difficult conversations” are necessary in order for relationships—both within a person’s inner realm and extending beyond—to survive and thrive.

While your interpretation of God/Goddess/Source is subjective, your soul does not limit itself to the definitions imposed by those who proclaim their religious authority is sacrosanct. We encourage you to look beyond what you have been taught and see the soul’s viewpoint as having merit so it can be brought into more harmonious alignment with whatever is currently held as truth. Truth is also subjective, yet a mistruth can also disguise itself as being similarly sacrosanct.

Almost anyone who has overcome a fear will tell you it is merely an obstacle that needs to be dismantled. A mistruth deserves the same care and attention.

Some will continue to believe the image of God depicted in assorted works of art, such as Michelangelo’s masterpiece, “The Creation of Adam,” is a reasonable facsimile, yet it can also be interpreted in a variety of ways.

The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are within you. You were born from the Light of this union. Do not accept anything less than the bounty of your soul, which knows Source to be its true heritage.

As always, we continue to watch over you and wish you a blissful week ahead.

With love,

Mother Mary


Allah, God, or whatever you wish to call Me, I AM an extension of you and vice versa.

Some will attempt to convince you their definition of Me is the only one that is true.

Let the previous statements and the ones to follow be questioned so they may be understood clearly.

Homosexuality has been deemed a sin by many. How could I have possibly made a mistake when love is simply that?

Love is love.

It is sacrilege to declare this untrue.

There is no “right” or “wrong,” as both are aspects of the same whole.

You are the Oneness of All That Is, captured within your own individual physical vessel. Do not for a moment think that you are apart from Me.

I AM not a man or a woman, or a patriarchal figure resembling the god Zeus. All of those are projections of a mind attempting to explain that which cannot be explained.

I AM North and I AM South.

I AM East and I AM West.

I honour the four directions, within and without.

Honour all of the directions you hold within, for buried within yourself are the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is within your right to find them and it is your free will to make this choice.

Freedom will be found when you look.

I AM That I AM.

You are abundant and loved beyond measure.

You are loved and abundant beyond measure.

Co-create with the Source you know as truth, yet do not settle for anything less than what you know, deep down, you deserve. Push beyond any and all self-imposed barricades masquerading as the limit of love’s Divine expression, for it is not meant to be restrained or contained. Doing so is the Divine Masculine in action. Being receptive to love is the Divine Feminine in action. Do you not see how they are intertwined?

Love with all your heart.

Remove the barriers that confine you.

Remember that you came here to experience and overcome challenges and obstacles inhibiting the soul’s freedom from being known and understood to the very depths of your being.

Feel this as deeply as you are able.

You are never far away from Me. I AM within every heartbeat, every breath, and every utterance of the word freedom.

Embrace love as the soul’s definition of freedom and freedom as the soul’s definition of love.

They are One for all time and between time as you know it to be.

With Light from the Eternal Source of All That Is, rest well and know I AM holding you safe from harm. Should you be experiencing anything other than this, gather up your courage and make freedom the gift you give yourself.

You are more than you think you are.

You are a blessed child of the Light. Allow this truth to carry you home.

God/Goddess/Source, etc.

~ Channeled June 11, 2021

#divinefeminine #divinemasculine #mothermary #inspiration #god #goddess #trusttheuniverse #highvibrations #soulpurpose #awakespiritual #soulawakening #innerbeing #universalguidance #innerguidance #higherfrequency #higherawareness #selfaware #raiseyourvibration #spiritualawakening #higherself #innerwork #selfmastery #breakthepattern #selfhealingjourney #miracle #freedom #truth #spirituality #warrioroflight #lightworker #lookwithin #loveislove #honourmysoul #pride2021

Setting miracles into motion

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

Anaïs Nin

Mother Mary’s message below calls to those who are in need of a boost of focused, positive energy. We hope you will be willing to receive it. Did you hear an inner part of yourself declaring “I AM”? Those are two of the most powerful words that set miracles into motion.

It is our sincere hope that you will declare yourself worthy of the liberation and freedom the soul seeks to offer so that you, too, can set a few more miracles into motion.

Wishing you a blissful Sunday and an uplifting week ahead.

I AM Maitreya


Relationships are tested when the challenges of intimacy versus independence are explored. A modulated approach works best with those who are more accustomed to the latter in lieu of the former.

As many see the world in black versus white, right versus wrong, and in versus out, know that the opposite perspective is obviously not the opposite to those who are seemingly against you—or, at the very least, looking at you through a lens you can’t entirely identify with.

Some view mediums through a lens that is based on judgment of whether that person can provide another with new information that would verify the medium’s expertise. Suppose you were right and you could easily tell that the person isn’t on the “up and up.” That stated, what if the medium was able to access an area of your inner realm that wasn’t accustomed to being seen—or heard, for that matter? What if the person experiencing what we would define as an “archetypal rebalancing” instantly knew that a slightly shifted perspective would be extremely beneficial, even though the archetype in question (whether singular or plural) lived (for lack of a better word) in a rarely accessed area?

The singular word “lived” was intentionally set between two brackets of text so you could focus on it ever so briefly. What patterns or habits are preventing you from fully embracing a life with fewer limits than what you were previously accustomed to? What if that archetype was fearful of removing those limitations because the thought of living without them was too great to bear? Would it not be illogical to bear a burden that no longer held value? Wouldn’t it be easier to bare that burden instead so it could be transformed into something more intrinsically useful?

A careful examination of one’s inner archetypal realm is not difficult, but it does require the ability to be brutally honest about the judgments being held—both against oneself and others. Were those judgments to be set to a standard other than the ego’s fears and insecurities, how easily would your life experiences shift to something more liberating, appealing, and freeing? Aren’t liberation and freedom close cousins to each other? What is appealing to you that would bring them into balance and harmony?

You are not weak, unlovable, undesirable, or insecure on a soul level by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, you merely adopted those feelings because of experiences that caused the limitations to be set into place in the first place. First place is gold, though, isn’t it? Can you imagine yourself excavating for gold, even though a modest amount of effort will be needed?

We often recommend “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron to people who are slowly starting out on their journeys of self-discovery. It is an important and necessary tool for those who have not yet connected with an inner child that is being protected by fear and a fundamental desire to be free from pain. We encourage those who no longer fall in this category to graduate to the next level of Julia Cameron’s books by exploring “The Vein of Gold.”

Those who are interested in archetypes are encouraged to similarly explore Debbie Ford’s groundbreaking book, “The Dark Side of the Light Chasers,” or dive into “Sacred Contracts” by Caroline Myss.

Do not think for a moment that we are mentioning these books to sabotage an inner saboteur who is bound and determined (or perhaps bound, undetermined) to maintain the status quo. We mention them to encourage people to challenge the status quo.

Charge your inner rebel with stating the words “enough already” if you find yourself falling into patterns that you consciously know are limiting at best and downright defeating at worst. There is no happy balance between the two, when it comes right down to it. The only happy balance that can be found is if the keys to inner freedom are located within the heart.

We are not here to tell you that you are wrong or that others are to blame for your current circumstances, should you be consciously aware of the desire to transcend feelings of unworthiness or self-betrayal. We are here, however, to encourage you to nourish and flourish.

To close today’s message, we would like you to focus on simply taking those two rhyming words and infusing them with positive energy.

Nourish and flourish.

Your soul will take care of the rest.

With love and an abundance of focused, positive energy,

I AM Mother Mary

~ Channeled June 6, 2021

#mothermary #maitreya #archetypes #healing #shadowwork #selfmastery #transformation #freedom #sheridancooke #ascension #lightworker

Paradigm shifts

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.

Anaïs Nin

This is a short post, compared to the one I was guided to share yesterday. It was immediately evident during this morning’s channeling session that El Morya wished to circle back and touch upon the topic of shadow work ever so briefly. Part way through, a friend came through on a soul level and stated, “We overreact because you poke and prod areas that we don’t want anyone to look at. Work with that.”

“Can do,” El Morya replied, accepting the challenge. “That said, we would like people to work on areas that are out of alignment with their soul’s highest truth. If that means poking and prodding areas which have been off-limits, perhaps those who intentionally retaliate are reactive because they can’t imagine life any other way. As much as succumbing to drama is a fallback pattern for people who are accustomed to enjoying their lives, blissfully unaware that the soul seeks to broaden and deepen their understanding of lifetimes past and the ones that are to come, the heart and mind need only come into congruence with each other. You would be hard-pressed to find any diamond that doesn’t seek to shed the layers preventing its hidden gifts from being displayed. On the other hand, those diamonds must first pass the test of those who seek to utilize the tools they have accumulated to their best advantage. Our role as Teachers of Truth has everything to do with finding those diamonds and encouraging people to look to the future and not the past when attempting to instill a new paradigm. ‘The answers are within’ might very well be cliché, but isn’t being reactive a pattern that deserves recalibration? What are your hopes and dreams for the future? What repeating patterns do you wish to improve or remove? The choice is up to you, and all you need to do to come into alignment with your soul’s light is to embrace it. You cannot do that when you are holding onto yesterday’s news or old wounds seeking to be healed before being released. Bend into the wind if it is pressing against you. It will strengthen you without causing you to lose your balance. Bend into the areas in need of healing. They will strengthen you without causing you to fall; only to climb higher on your journey toward ascension.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

“Bring it on,” my inner cynic then said. “As an archetype with the purpose of being a protectorate, one of my other gifts is to show where things are out of alignment. You have learned this through trial and error, but also because you allowed me to have a voice. ‘Many blessings are to come’ is something Maitreya told you years ago. While those were blessings in disguise, so were all the diamonds that have since been chiseled. If others are unable to view the ‘new and improved’ version of you, perhaps they have yet to view the same within themselves. A hero’s journey will often display the pitfalls in tandem with the triumphs, and every race combines both a start and finish line. Do you need to finish the race running at the same speed throughout? Of course not. What you do need to do, however, is remind people to stop looking outside themselves for answers. Tell them to answer the questions and question the answers. Maitreya has told you that a few times, too. El Morya was right, by the way. The answers ARE within, but so are the hopes and dreams awaiting fulfilment and commitment. Allow those two to walk hand in hand, just as the heart and mind are also meant to accompany each other as allies and not adversaries.”

“I couldn’t have said that better myself, either,” Maitreya teased, joining us to simply say and say simply: “You can do it. Your soul believes in you.”

As a parting comment, and embracing his penchant for modern vernacular, El Morya blurted, “You’ve got this. Just saying.”

Attaining inner freedom is worth the effort. So are you.

~ Channeled May 30, 2021


#shadowwork #followyourbliss #elmora #melchior #maitreya #innerheadling #archetypes #alchemy #alchemist #lightworker #innerfreedom #yougotthis #youcandoit #innerfreedom #paradigmshift

Sparking the creation of worlds (a channeled message from El Morya)

You are born of light, and it is said that the light sparked the creation of worlds. What new worlds do you wish to create by adding light to areas where darkness previously reigned?

El Morya

I connected with a friend on a soul level during a channeling session the other morning, and one of the last things he told me was, “Don’t settle for less than what you deserve.” It’s easy to get caught up in drama, but we’re far better off detaching ourselves from people and situations that make us question our self-worth.

El Morya is telling me, “On the other hand, if you are triggered by people who act out of alignment with the labels you have assigned to them, there is an area within in need of healing that you have not yet addressed. Maitreya has discussed this before, and I am wanting to dredge up a bit of shadow work to help people lighten their emotional and mental loads, so to speak. This opens the energetic highway between the mind and heart—although not necessarily in that order—and gives people an opportunity to speak their complete truth. If people are wondering what an ‘incomplete truth’ looks or feels like, question whether you are being completely honest with yourself and others. ‘What is a harbinger of truth?’ you might be wondering. What is a harbinger of anything? You get to decide what to follow and what to release. I’m simply here to point to the metaphorical fork in the road and ask you to commit to taking a stand. While I’m fond of discussing this at length, most people don’t want to commit to reading more than a few paragraphs at the most, which is why I asked you to combine the message I provided the other day into three healthy portions. You could easily train the mind to alchemize the bullets into diamonds intended to reflect the soul’s strength and let the mind know when a longer rest is needed. You were saying …?”

I was about to say that El Morya never ceases to amaze me when he weaves seemingly disparate or disconnected ideas together and unites them in such a way that an outmoded perspective can be easily replaced with one that is uplifting and empowering.

“Pay attention to seemingly disparate or disconnected mind frames that form the foundation of your inner sanctuary,” El Morya then added. “Be willing to dismantle a load bearing wall which is upholding an idea based on illusion. That stated, would that also not mean distortions can easily be dismantled and rebuilt into a reliable structure that might be markedly different from what you were previously accustomed to? Would you want to restore an antique car from the outside in or make certain that the engine and all the mechanisms dependent upon it are in perfect running order? Focus on one area at a time and trust that birth, death, and transformation are completely reliable aspects of the soul’s ability to transmute that which is no longer needed into that which you cannot live without. You cannot live without a heart, and even if an artificial mechanism were to be placed within, I am certain you would wish to know that it, too, can be relied upon. Dust off your alchemical skills. A little bit of magic can change everything around and within you.”

Maitreya chimed in and said, “Remember that ‘time’ and ‘emit’ form part of each other, just as light and darkness fall within the spectrum of your soul’s awareness. You are whole and complete, regardless of where you perceive yourself. Your soul sees you without restriction or judgment. Isn’t it time you offered those gifts to yourself?”


Undercover angels are not necessarily midnight fantasies. Those of you who are in the over-50 category will likely remember Alan O’Day’s song, “Undercover Angel,” although it might not have been on your Top Ten list. For those who do remember the lyrics, pay attention to this specific line: “Thunder is your nightlight, magic is your dream.” • What items or things do you dream about that are on your Top Three list? Can you make a list of your priorities and set aside those that interfere with their completion or activation? • As it has often been said, one person’s nightmare is another person’s heaven. Were you to pick the top three things you would wish to find in either, are any of the three in the former category competing with the initial top three list, which could be said to fall into the latter? • Salad tongs are seldom used by people who serve salad to themselves. They simply cut up what they want, to a greater or lesser degree, and then decide on the dressing. That stated, some people start with the dressing and then decide what would best accompany it. • “How does this apply to the things on my Top Three list?” you might be wondering. • How many salads would you want to eat if the ingredients had expired? • How many relationships would you want to nurture if you’re the only one contributing to the banquet you’re seeking to offer? • Would you come to the table empty handed or simply seek to place a beverage of your choosing on the centre of the table and invite everyone present to partake? Would you be like Oliver Twist and quietly state, “Please, sir, I want some more,” only to find yourself peddled to anyone who would take you, and then find yourself locked in a prison, singing, “Where is love?”

Now that I’ve taken you on a trip down memory lane in an area that has likely been avoided, you will understand how important it is to address areas within that are hungering for love. • What three things can you give to yourself today to prove that self-love is something you’re in complete control over? • What you give to others is often what you seek to receive in return. Those who continue to misinterpret your words are likely dealing with an imbalance within that might not yet be in his, her, or their conscious awareness. • The archetypal realm was recognized by Carl Jung as a fundamental aspect of the self. When archetypal pairings—such as a sage and a fool, a prostitute and a nun, and other seemingly opposite characters that some are loath to admit exist—are unbalanced, remember that you are born with Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies floating throughout your entire being. • When you rebalance your inner realm, your outer world falls into alignment. It almost never occurs the other way around, as much as people might like. • Don’t worry about karma, what was said, or what was interpreted by another person. Focus on how you can communicate with clarity and awareness. Direct this intention inward, as the archetypal realm has riches that might not be known to you just yet.

Polish your inner lens and remember that how the world sees you is not about you; it is merely an aspect of how they project their inner realms outwardly. Detach and pay attention, for this is where your power can be tapped into as a habit. • Once inner work has been sanctified—and I am using this term intentionally—so will you also come to know that shadow work embraces your untapped potential and alchemizes it to your best advantage. • Were you to embrace your inner wizard as I mentioned the other day, that wizard could easily join forces with a curmudgeon who is more than willing to point out what is wrong in the world. Allow this light bearer to bring your attention to areas in need of recalibration. • Were I to ask you to identify a superpower or two, what would it or they be? Would you immediately view a few of the archetypes I mentioned? Would you dare yourself to journal to find out what those archetypes have to offer? • How many offerings do you think the soul seeks to give you? Would it not make sense that the abundance of its love would be the centerpiece from which all the guests at the table could sit and gaze upon its magnificence, taking care to replenish the refreshing elixir offered by the simple combination of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen? • Were you to research the Adam Kadmon—or Primordial Man, as it is known—you would note that it is the first being to merge with the Creator of the Universe. I would like to point out that the Creator is neither male nor female, but a combination of the Divine energies I mentioned earlier. How blissful would it be to merge with your own godself, as the higher self is often referred to? • The soul’s light does not shy away from darkness. It seeks to integrate the fragments that were separated because of a fragmented mindset. You are in control of how many pieces you wish to uphold. You are also in control of declaring whether you can live without this item or that item—or this relationship or that relationship—but remember that the soul does not attach itself to items of matter, but items that matter.

You were born of light, and it is said that the light sparked the creation of worlds. What new worlds do you wish to create by adding light to areas where darkness previously reigned?

These are my thoughts this morning.

Enjoy your day, young alchemists. Adventure awaits.

I AM El Morya

~ Channeled May 26, 2021

#shadowwork #alchemy #alchemist #archetypes #archetypalhealing #innerwork #maitreya #elmorya #melchior #lightworker

Destination: freedom. (A pre-boarding announcement from the Divine.)

I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.

Charlotte Brontë

Waiting for external proof when your internal realm is telling you to use caution and divert yourself from a person or a situation causing you anxiety temporarily delays your soul from asserting more direct influence. While this is a roundabout way of stating, “Pay attention to your intuition, as it has gathered a significant amount of experience from lifetime to lifetime,” what must also be pointed out is that an internal warning bell might be directly tied to either a single event—or more likely a small handful of events—that had devastating repercussions. This lends itself well to explaining why a person repels any attempt to be loved because the concept of love is distorted, compared to what the soul would prefer to relay in lieu of the conditions normally assigned to love by the ego.

If superficial conditions are placed as the marker point or checklist of a relationship, a person will be far less likely to experience the fullness of what another has to offer—especially if that person doesn’t check off all the boxes as far as physical appearance or religious or political preferences are concerned.

The need to compartmentalize the self is evident in many, from our viewpoint. Conversely, many claim to be “open books,” yet only reveal certain chapters to the outside world. The willingness to be authentic requires a certain amount of risk, does it not? Can a knot not be untied if a gentle opening is created? Areas within that have been tangled can similarly be provided with a gentle opening to unravel and liberate what has been held prisoner.

Would a bird not sing for joy when released from its cage just as easily as it would within, were it to be taken care of to the best of its owner’s—or captor’s—ability? I have deliberately presented a spectrum of awareness for you to ponder. As cliché as it might sound, one person’s prison could be another person’s heaven, if freedom elevated sufficient fear in someone who was left to fend for him- or herself without adequate protection and suffered tremendous abuse until the cage was presented as an opportunity to retreat from one or more assailants.

If you have inadvertently caged yourself in a mindset or relationship that inhibits freedom, challenge yourself to spread your wings. Imagine yourself as a phoenix would be and strive to push upward through the ashes of whatever has burned your tender heart.

The soul knows how to purge the past and clear the slate so that freedom can reign within.

We encourage you to clear the slate so that healing can occur. If those who are accustomed to manipulating you turn their backs on you, accept this with grace, no matter how many wounds of abandonment and rejection tied to this or previous lifetimes have been triggered. Doing so will be especially challenging if the attachment patterns of a person’s past leaned toward codependency.

Patterns can be broken and new patterns can be created. Think of this as the Universe’s way of continually transmuting darkness into light.

Traffic lights provide yellow between “GO” and “STOP” in much the same way the solar plexus chakra sits between the heart and root chakras. I am temporarily sidestepping the sacral chakra intentionally, but it is also important to nurture the positive aspects of this tender zone because an imbalance can wreak havoc on a person’s emotional state if too much focus is placed on this area in lieu of clearing blocked energy throughout the chakra system.

A kundalini surge is assisted by the breath and the route it takes to travel could be seen as an energetic highway of sorts, as the soul purposefully adds its light to similarly unravel knots that might have inhibited personal freedom. Consciously meditating on this can assist the healing process tremendously.

Remember that the throat chakra also sits directly between the heart chakra and third eye, and speaking your truth is imperative for a clear connection between the mind and heart to be created and maintained.

Your soul is free. An intermediary is not required to gain access, but might very well serve to strengthen the energetic connection. You are not meant to fear the soul’s light. You are meant to be free now.

The Buddha would tell you that suffering is a part of life. Seneca would tell you that the brilliance of life can be likened to holding a single seed in the palm of your hand before contributing it to the soul’s magnificent garden and saying a silent prayer that it will take root. He has also said, “Pain is a part of life. Misery is an option.”

Let the soul’s mystery crack the shell preventing growth and allow expansion and discovery to reveal themselves as opportunities in which the causes and effects can be viewed as One along the spectrum of the soul’s continued evolution.

Orchestrating the intervention that occurred for this particular scribe transpired close to twenty years ago, although attempts were made by others to redirect her courses of action by providing her with direct examples of how a tormented relationship can end if taken to physically endangering extremes.

Do not think for a moment that the change of events was intended solely for her benefit. As part of her soul’s agreement to accept our assistance, many within the archangelic realm and realms beyond sought to provide indirect intervention by relaying messages intended to promote deep inner healing.

Please recognize that while many of the messages provided could easily be transmitted through her during an individual session, our thought is that a more global outreach would provide the most benefit.

It is safe for you to purge the past by gently releasing anything that creates a binding feeling and restricts your ability to relax into each and every now moment.

To that end, it is our collective hope that Sanat Kumara’s message below inspires you to take matters into your own hands and tackle “unfinished business” in order to clear the slate so that healing can occur.

Patterning and re-patterning form fundamental facets of Source energy, designed to create and co-create in harmony with the human expressions of Divine light.

Now that discussing this concept has come full circle within a relatively short timeframe, it is also our collective hope that you will allow Sanat Kumara to repeat this patterning and re-patterning process in a few short paragraphs encompassing a mere 747 words in total.

For those who are adventurous by nature, as well as those who embrace the experiences the soul’s wanderlust has to offer, I would like to make the following request to close this pre-boarding announcement:

Limit the conditions you attach to love. You will liberate yourself and others simultaneously.

I AM Maitreya. Thank you for taking a brief journey through the mysteries of light encoded within these words.


Now and again, an intervention will occur and the recipient decides to change course completely. Over the years, we have observed a number of people change course again and return to more traditional roots, feeling a sense of community with people who have not yet chosen to question the belief systems that were instilled in them throughout much of their formative years.

Some question the integrity of those who are able to communicate with the “next realm,” as it is often termed, thinking that they must have something wrong with them. Not everyone who communicates with ascended masters, archangels, and the like has received the information that was desired. This is being mentioned to bring one point to the forefront:  the afterlife is not static or boring, nor do people often choose to uphold their previous religious beliefs because they have recognized during their life review that it was but one experiment of many during a specific lifetime.

The decision to renounce her Catholic faith was not something that occurred as a result of this scribe being given the ability to channel. It occurred during her formative years when the religious teachings she was provided fell short of the mark.

Science is often thought to be at the opposite end of the spectrum from religion, yet if you take quantum physics and place it directly in front of what is seen as a “miracle,” it must be recognized that many scientific experiments have been performed to replicate what is termed the “God particle.”

How many more experiments will scientists believe they need to perform to prove or disprove one theory or another? Vast sums of money are spent attempting to find the cure for cancer alone, yet sound therapy has been completely ignored by those who are convinced the science behind it—which was recognized as beneficial thousands of years ago—is somehow invalid.

Deep inner healing can bring about spontaneous remissions, simply because what was locked within has been corrected energetically. When Reiki is performed, the recipient often experiences certain memories being elevated and an overwhelming feeling of needing to cry cannot be tamped down.

Men are especially prone to compartmentalizing their emotions along with aspects of their lives. Conversely, many women in particular claim to be “open books,” revisiting the same chapter repeatedly in the hopes of changing the ending. Both men and women have much to learn from each other, as far as rebalancing their Divine natures are concerned.

How many times do you wish to learn a lesson that has been causing you difficulty? Are you intent on attempting to change an ending, once and for all, even if it is seen by our realm as the best possible outcome for all the parties involved?

A west wind is said to be warmer than a north one, but it doesn’t take much for an energy pattern to come in to remove an overcast sky, revealing the sunlight so many are craving without even acknowledging it.

If the winds of change were to sweep through your life, how many friendships would you choose to fight for if a misperception had been placed between and a stance of inflexibility was upheld, imprisoning a desire within the mind to forcefully strip away all the acts of love forming part of the foundation of a relationship created within the heart decades ago? Why not peel back the illusions instead? Why not be willing to see through the other person’s eyes and be honest enough to make adjustments where they are needed to calm the waters that were preventing clarity from being achieved? If not, why not?

How important is it to you to maintain the status quo or embrace change as a natural part of life?

For that matter, how important is it to you to embrace the soul’s light as a means of demolishing an ill-fitting garment that prevents the body and mind from consciously accepting that the breath of life cannot be acknowledged fully if elements are acting against it?

Freedom comes with many choices to make, some of which will be easy and others much more challenging. Are you willing to embrace the soul’s freedom and allow a brighter future to reveal itself after a storm has ended?

Thank you for paying attention to my thoughts and words today.

As Maitreya mentioned, “Limit the conditions you attach to love. You will liberate yourself and others simultaneously.”

Let freedom be the gift you give yourself.

I AM Sanat Kumara.

~ Channeled May 10, 2021